There is no one definitive way to hide your story from everyone. You could try creating a secret Facebook group or using a secure messaging app, but even these measures can be circumvented. The best way to keep your story completely private is to not tell it at all.

Yes, Instagram stories can be seen by everyone. They are located at the top of the main feed and are indicated by a colorful ring around the profile picture.

Your Instagram story is only visible to followers and people who have been added to the story by someone else. Nonfollowers will not be able to see your story.

The person at the top of your Instagram story is the person who has been active on Instagram most recently. Their post will be at the top of your feed, and their story will be at the top of your story list.

There are a few ways to hide your Instagram account from others. One way is to make your account private so that only approved followers can see your posts. Another way is to create a separate, secret Instagram account that only you can access.

There are a few reasons why you can’t hide your story from all your followers. For one, if you’ve set your profile to public, anyone who visits your profile can see your story. Additionally, even if you’ve set your profile to private, your followers can still see your story unless you’ve blocked them.

There’s no surefire way to know for certain if someone is stalking your Instagram, but there are some telltale signs. If you’re constantly seeing the same person’s name pop up in your “following” list, or if they’re frequently liking and commenting on your posts, then it’s likely that they’re interested in you in a more than platonic way. If you’re feeling uncomfortable or unsafe, it’s best to reach out to Instagram or law enforcement for help.

Yes, you can definitely tell if someone is looking at your Instagram. If you see that someone has “liked” your photo or has left a comment, then you can be sure that they are looking at your profile.

Yes, someone can see how many times you viewed their Instagram Story in 2021. However, they can’t see who viewed it.

Yes, if you view someone’s story, their profile picture will have a small eye next to it. This means that the person has seen your story.