Compliment her looks, her personality, or something that you admire about her. Try to be specific and genuine in your compliments.

There are a few ways to compliment someone on Instagram. You can like their photo and write a comment, or you can send them a direct message. You can also post a photo of the two of you together and write a caption about how great they look.

Commenting on someone’s Instagram with flirty remarks is a great way to start flirting with them. You can complement their looks, or make a joke about something you noticed in their picture. Just make sure your comments are friendly and not too sexual, or you may come across as creepy instead of flirty.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to hype someone up will vary depending on the person. However, some tips on how to hype someone up include praising them for their achievements, helping them to feel confident about themselves, and providing encouragement. It’s also important to be genuine in your compliments and encouragement, as people can tell when someone is being insincere.

Commenting on a girl’s post is a great way to start a conversation with her. You can compliment her on her post, or ask her a question about it. Be sure to be friendly and engaging, and you may be able to build a relationship with her this way.

You can compliment a girl on her story by telling her that you enjoyed it. You can also tell her that you found it interesting or inspiring.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best response will vary depending on the comment and the relationship between you and the commenter. However, some tips on how to respond to comments on Instagram include being polite, positive, and authentic. If you’re not sure what to say, it’s okay to simply say thank you or acknowledge the comment without elaborating further.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to hype your girlfriend pictures will vary depending on the specific pictures you’re posting. However, some tips on how to hype your girlfriend pictures include using interesting or funny captions, tagging your friends in the comments section, and using relevant hashtags. Additionally, you can post your girlfriend’s pictures on other social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram to help increase engagement.

There’s no surefire way to impress a girl on Instagram, but a good place to start is by leaving thoughtful, interesting comments on her photos. Try to avoid generic compliments or clichés, and instead focus on things that you genuinely admire about her or her work. If you can make the girl feel special and appreciated, she’ll be more likely to take notice.

You can’t make someone want you. You can only make yourself attractive to them. Be kind, genuine, interesting, and be yourself.