Download the CSV File

Open a new workbook Click on DATA tab on the ribbon Click on From Text button You will get the following window

Browse to the folder where you downloaded the CSV file Select da.csv file Click on Import button You will get the following import text file wizard

Click on Next button

Select Comma on the Delimiters panel Click on Next button

Click on Finish button

Click on OK button You will get the following data

In some cases you may not get comma separated file, it could be Slash (), Pipe (|) or other delimiter separated files. Let’s take a look at how to deal with them. Here is sample Slash () separated value file that you can download. Download the Slash () separated CSV File

Open a new workbook Click on DATA tab on the ribbon Click on From Text button Browse to the folder where you downloaded the file and Import it You will get the following import text file wizard

Click on Next button

Now instade of selecting the Comma Delimiter, Select Other and set Slash (\) as delimiter on the Delimiters panel

Then click on Next Button.

Then click on Finish Button

Now Import data in Existing worksheet

You will get the folliwing data