Microsoft Edge doesn’t yet have browser extensions, but it can use bookmarklets. Bookmarklets work just fine in Edge, and they make up for the lack of browser extensions. You’ll just have to install them manually first.
Update: This no longer works as of the Windows 10 November Update, but you can use this third party tool to add bookmarklets to Edge’s bookmark database.
Bookmarklets are small bits of JavaScript code stored in a bookmark, or favorite. Click the bookmarklet and the code will run on the current page, allowing you to save a page to Pocket, share a page on Twitter or Facebook, or even integrate LastPass password manager with Edge. Those are just a few examples of what you can do with bookmarklets.
Why We’re Doing This the Hard Way
RELATED: Beginner Geek: How to Use Bookmarklets on Any Device
Bookmarklets are usually added in a few different ways, none of which work in Microsoft Edge. They’re often added simply by dragging them from a web page to the Favorites bar and dropping them there. However, Edge doesn’t allow this.
A bookmarklet might also be added by right-clicking a link and selecting “Add to Favorites”, but Edge doesn’t have this option in its context menu. Finally, you might add a bookmarklet by adding a normal website to your favorites, and then editing it and changing its address to contain JavaScript code. However, Edge doesn’t allow you to edit a favorite’s address.
It’s actually impossible to add a bookmarklet from within Edge’s interface. However, you can add a bookmarklet in a few clicks anyway — you’ll just have to use a File Explorer window and modify your favorite files directly. Don’t worry, this isn’t as hard as it sounds.
Microsoft has said it will update Edge more frequently than they did Internet Explorer, so hopefully this will become easier in the future.
How to Manually Add a Bookmarklet in Microsoft Edge
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We’ll use the Pocket bookmarklet as an example here. First, we’d visit the page containing the bookmarklet and favorite that page itself. Click or tap the star icon on the address bar and name the bookmarklet whatever you want to name it. Save it anywhere you like. For easy access, you might want to put it on the Favorites Bar.
You can favorite absolutely any page to start. However, if we favorite a page on Pocket’s website, the resulting bookmarklet will have Pocket’s favicon, or website icon. If you were creating a LastPass, Twitter, or Facebook bookmarklet, you’d probably want to create a favorite from LastPass, Twitter, or Facebook’s website to start.
We’ll now need to find Microsoft Edge’s Favorites files, which it hides deep in the file system. Open a File Explorer window, click the View tab on the ribbon, and ensure the “Hidden items” box is checked.
Next, navigate to the following directory:
YOURNAME is your Windows user account’s name, and RANDOM is a random series of numbers and letters.
You’ll see the favorite you just created, as well as any other favorites you have in Microsoft Edge.
If you plan on adding more bookmarklets in the future, you might want to add this folder to your Quick Access favorites list so you can quickly get back to it in the future.
Next, go back to Microsoft Edge and find the JavaScript code of the bookmarklet you want to use. For example, on the Pocket web page we linked above, you’d right-click the “+Pocket” button and select “Copy link” to copy the JavaScript code to your clipboard. If the page just contains a bookmarklet in text form, select the address beginning with “javascript:” and copy it.
Go back to the File Explorer window, locate the favorite you created earlier, right-click it, and select Properties.
Erase the contents of the URL box, and then right-click in the box and select Paste. This replaces the URL with your desired bookmarklet’s JavaScript code.
It should be possible to rename the bookmarklet from here, but Microsoft Edge was confused when we tried. Don’t try to rename the bookmarklet from here.
Click OK to save your changes.
Next, close Microsoft Edge and then reopen it. The bookmarklet should now be functional.
Repeat this process to add more bookmarklets.
How to Use Bookmarklets in Microsoft Edge
There are two ways you can use the bookmarklet. To have it always on-screen so you can click or tap it, open Edge’s menu, select Settings, and enable “Show the favorites bar” option.
You can also just open the normal panel, locate the bookmarklet in your favorites, and click or tap it to run it on the current page.
This will become less necessary when Edge supports browser extensions, but some people will always prefer bookmarklets because they’re more lightweight. Nothing runs in the background when you use a bookmarklet, unlike a browser extension. The bookmarklet only does something when you click it, and it only works on the current page.