Illustrator does not allow you to join points that are outside of the Artboard.
There are a few ways to join points in Illustrator. One way is to use the Pathfinder tool. To do this, select the point you want to join and click and hold down the Ctrl key (PC) or Command key (Mac) and drag the cursor over the area you want to join. Another way is to use the Joining Paths tool.
There are a few ways to do this. One way is to use a junction box or crossover cable. Another way is to use a bridge.
In Windows, you can merge paths by right-clicking on a path and selecting “Merge Paths.” This will create a new path that includes the contents of both original paths.
There are a few ways to weld paths in Illustrator. One way is to use the Weld Path tool. The other way is to use the Path Editor.
In Illustrator, you can join two paths by selecting the two paths and clicking the Join Path button ( ).
There are a few ways to link two closed paths in Illustrator. One way is to use the Path Selection tool and click on one of the paths, then hold down the Shift key and click on the other path. Another way is to select both paths and use the Link command (L).
To merge stroke and fill in Illustrator, select the object you want to merge the strokes and fills with, and then choose Object > Blend > Stroke.
A compound path is a path that is composed of multiple paths.
A compound path is a sequence of one or more path components. A path is a simple, unbroken line between two points.
Ctrl G (Command-G) is the shortcut for the “Group” command in Illustrator. It groups all objects that are within the same layer together.
A clipping path is a vector graphic object that is used to define the outline of an object or the edge of a shape. It can be created by selecting the Ellipse tool and clicking and dragging on the boundaries of the object you want to protect.
In Illustrator, you can create compound shapes by first creating a basic shape and then using the Compound Path tool to add additional paths.
Illustrator doesn’t allow you to make a compound path.
In Illustrator, Ctrl Shift O is the shortcut for the “Object > Expand” command.