Yes, fleas will survive in a car. However, they will likely spread more easily if the car is not well-maintained.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the flea’s specific biology. However, some Fleas that live in warm climates can survive in a hot car.

It takes about a week for the fleas to die off.

No, fleas can’t survive in the air.

Yes, fleas can survive in a cold car. However, they will likely be more active and will likely spread the infection to other animals in the car.

The temperature that kills fleas is typically around 40 degrees Celsius.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the flea’s biology and environment. Generally speaking, fleas will not survive in hair because they are unable to thrive in an environment with high levels of moisture or oxygen. However, some Flea-B-Gone products may help to reduce the chance of a flea infestation.

The most common way to kill fleas is by scratching them on the back.

A flea will not move if it is covered in blood, so it’s likely that the flea has died. To be sure, you can try to vacuum or clean the area where the flea was.

Fleas will go away on their own if you keep them clean and healthy.

A good way to get rid of fleas is to use a flea collar.

One way to bomb your car for fleas is to spray it with a flea control product that contains an insecticide.

Raid is a spray that is used to clean surfaces. It may be sprayed on the car in order to clean it.

There is no one detergent that kills fleas. The best way to prevent fleas is to keep your home clean and free of clutter. You can also use a flea preventive product, such as ivermectin or lupron, to help control the number of fleas on your pet.

fleas hate anything that will cause them to spread their disease.

The best time of year to get fleas is during the winter because they are inactive and their life cycle is shorter.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that a hot shower will get rid of fleas. However, it is important to use an effective flea prevention method, such as a topical treatment or application of a vacuum cleaner with hose attachment to the home’s HVAC unit.