It’s hard to tell if someone has declined your friend request on Instagram. The only way to know for sure is if they send you a message or comment explaining why they didn’t accept it.
If you decline someone’s friend request on Instagram, they won’t be able to see your posts or comment on them. You can still follow each other and interact with each other’s content if you’re following one another.
It is possible that you have reached the maximum number of followers for your account. It also could be that you are following too many people who are not following you back.
This is fairly common. It could be due to a lack of interest in the person or content, so they are not following back for the same reason. It could also be because they are trying to follow someone else who has not accepted they’re follow request yet.
No, Instagram requests do not expire. Once a person has requested to follow you and you have accepted their request, they will never be deleted unless they delete their account, which renders the requests. However, if a person who requests to follow you doesn’t provide their Instagram username and you then deny the request, the notification will expire after 24 hours. When this happens, the notification disappears from your profile page and is no longer available for that user to see your account again.
You can tell if someone blocked you on Instagram by checking their profile. If the person’s profile is private, it means they have blocked you.
An Instagram friend request lasts as long as the person receiving the request accepts it. If they don’t accept it, then the request will expire after a certain amount of time.
You can see if someone has unaccepted to follow you on Instagram by going to their profile and scrolling down. If they have a “follow” button next to your name, it means that they have unaccepted your request.
The person who is being ignored may have blocked the requestor, which means that they will not be able to see any of their posts. The person may also have an Instagram setting that hides all requests from unknown users. The user may also have a private account, which means that they are not looking to make new connections with people on Instagram.
You should accept the following request. It is a good way to get more followers on your account and expand your reach.