No, you cannot see if someone rejects your follow request on Instagram.

When you send a request to follow someone on Instagram, they can either accept or decline your request. If they decline, then they will not be able to see your posts and you will not be able to see theirs.

This is a common occurrence on the site. If someone is following you, but you can’t see them in your follower’s list, it means they have chosen to not show their profile to you. This could be for any number of reasons, such as they don’t want people who are not following them to know what they’re doing, or because they don’t want to accidentally follow someone back and then be followed by that person’s followers.

It is possible that your follower requests are being ignored. It may also be possible that you have been blocked by the person you are following.

Plants cannot think, and therefore cannot make plans for the future. As a result, the cells of a plant have a fixed life expectancy. However, because plants grow continuously from their roots, their tissues are always being replaced with new tissue. This means that the old cells never actually die.

No, you cannot.In order to follow someone on Instagram, you have to have been following that person prior to their account being deleted.

The person who ignored your friend request will never see any of your posts on their feed. They also won’t be able to chat with you or tag you in any posts.

When you follow someone, they don’t see a notification, but they can see that they’ve been followed in the “Following” section on their profile. If you want to be notified when someone follows you, then go to your “Settings” and scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says “Notifications.” On this page, there is a section called “Followed By Others,” and if you turn it on, then you’ll get notifications when someone follows you.

It’s difficult to tell if someone has declined your friend request. You may want to send them a private message on Facebook asking if they received the request and if they declined it.

The answer to this question depends on the person who is being followed. There are no limits to the number of times someone can request to follow you on Instagram, but it could become an issue if they are constantly requesting to follow you.

The length of a follow ban on Instagram cannot be determined as there is no specific time period.