Many people don’t know this information until after the probate has finished and received mail checks. If you are interested in finding out whether someone left you money after they died, here is an overview of your options. 

What is the Meaning of probate?

The process of probate is the legal way a deceased person’s debts and taxes are settled, and his assets are distributed. 

Once a death certificate is filed, the executor of the will (if there is one) or the person named in the will (if there is no executor named) will go through probate.

Duties Of an Executor 

Informing creditors about the death of a person. The executor of the will is responsible for distributing the deceased’s assets. Settling off any outstanding debts. You should do all this following the state’s laws where the person died.  

Probate might take anywhere from four to twelve months, depending on the intricacy of the case. 

The executor or personal representative will inform you about when you can expect to receive your inheritance. 

They might also ask you to sign a form acknowledging receipt of your inheritance. 

 Ascertaining whether someone left you money after they died

If you suspect that someone left you money in their will, the first thing you should do is wait until their probate has been settled. Consult the will’s executor or court-appointed personal representative.

Read The Will

You should carefully read the will once you have a copy. The will should identify the deceased’s assets and how to disperse them. 

If you are labeled a beneficiary, whatever you are due to inherit should be evident. 

If the will is ambiguous or you are not mentioned as a beneficiary, then you must contact the executor. If there are assets to be distributed, the executor appoints a representative to look them up and distribute them. 

What To Do If No Will Was Left 

If you are the heir to an estate and there is no will, you may need to fill out a form and submit it to the court. Unclaimed estate money, property, or belongings may need to be distributed to the heirs.

Check with their financial advisor

 If the person who passed away was financially well off, they might have had a financial advisor. You could check with this advisor to see if they left you money in their will. 

If they did, their advisor would likely know the terms of the will and what you are entitled to.

Check with their attorney 

Another person you could check with is the person’s attorney. An attorney might be aware of the terms of the will, including who the person left their money. They might also be able to tell you when you can expect to receive the inheritance.

Talk to the person in charge of the will. 

If the person who died left a will, it is good to know what it says. You can ask the person appointed as executor of the will to let you know if you are mentioned in the will. 

Check with the deceased’s credit card company 

If someone left you money and you know the name of the credit card company they used, you could call that company to see if they left you a credit or a bequest in their will. 

You can also look through the deceased’s bank account and credit card statements to see if they left you money there. It’s not common, but it’s certainly possible. 


Knowing what to do when someone dies can be challenging. There are many ways to find out if they left you money after they died. You could talk to the executor of their will, financial advisor, attorney, or person appointed as the personal representative in the probate court. Regardless of how you find out, it is essential to confirm it. This can help you move through the grieving process while providing financial security. 

How does probate work? 

It is the legal procedure through which a deceased person’s assets and obligations are identified. After that, their debts and taxes are resolved. Finally,  unclaimed assets are distributed to those legally entitled to receive them.

How can you know whether you’re in someone’s will? 

You can search probate records online or hire an attorney. 

  1. How long after death does one get money? 

Once you have made a valid claim, it will take 1-2 months to receive the payment from the insurance company.