I love getting comments on my Instagram posts, and I love getting them even more when they come as a direct message. It’s a great way to start a conversation with someone and to get to know them better. Plus, it’s always fun to see what people have to say about your photos!

To like a comment, simply hover over the comment and click the “thumbs up” icon.

There are a few ways to add a heart to an Instagram post. The easiest way is to use the heart emoji. Another way is to draw a heart on your photo with the Instagram drawing tools.

The heart emoji on Instagram is generally used to show appreciation for a post. For example, if someone posts a photo and you like it, you might use the heart emoji to show your appreciation.

If you receive a like on Instagram, you can respond in one of two ways. You can either thank the person who liked your photo, or you can reply with a comment. If you choose to reply with a comment, be sure to keep it brief so that the conversation doesn’t get too cluttered.

If you receive a like on Instagram, you can respond in one of two ways. You can either thank the person who liked your photo, or you can reply with a comment. If you choose to reply with a comment, be sure to keep it brief so that the conversation doesn’t get too cluttered.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as it depends on what you hope to achieve by liking and commenting on Instagram. If you are looking to build relationships with other users and create a community of followers, then it is important to be interactive and responsive to comments. However, if your goal is simply to increase the visibility of your account and get more followers, then you may not need to engage as much with other users.

To comment on an Instagram post, type your comment in the text box at the bottom of the post and hit “enter.” If you want to add a sticker or drawing to your comment, tap the smiley face icon in the text box.

Yes, Instagram notifies you if you like a comment.

A white heart on Instagram is a symbol of appreciation. When someone posts a photo and uses the white heart emoji, it means that they appreciate the photo and what it represents.

There is no one definitive way to put a black heart on Instagram. One way is to type the symbol for a black heart, ♥, into the text box when you post a new photo or story. Another way is to use an app or sticker pack that includes a black heart emoji.