Users can be locked in 2 ways:-

Automatically Explicitly/Forcefully

Automatically: – There are two possibilities when users get lock automatically

Maximum number of failed attempts:- controlled via the parameter login/fails_to_user_lock. If a value is set to 3 it means after 3 failed attempts user will be locked. Auto unlock time: – “login/failed_user_auto_unlock” defines whether user locked due to unsuccessful logon attempts should be automatically removed at midnight.

Explicitly/Forcefully: We can lock and unlock users in 2 ways-

Lock single user (SU01) Lock multiple user (SU10)

Procedure to lock a single user

Step 1) Execute T-code SU01

Step 2) Enter a username in User field.

Step 3) Press Lock/Unlock button

Step 4) In the next screen, Press Lock button again to lock the user.

Procedure to lock multiple users

Step 1) Execute T-code SU10

Step 2) Enter users a username in User field.

Step 3) Press Lock/Unlock button

All the users listed will be locked

Procedure to unlock a user

Step 1) Execute T-code su01

Step 2) Enter username in User field.

Step 3) Press Lock/Unlock button

Step 4) Press Unlock button

Procedure to unlock multiple users

Step 1) Execute T-code SU10

Step 2) Enter users’ username in User field.

Step 3) Press Unlock button

Users will be unlocked